One of the common side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is nausea and vomiting. Some drugs, such as targeted therapy and immunotherapy, can also cause similar reactions. The acupuncture wristband is a clinically proven drug-free replacement therapy that is used to control nausea and vomiting related to chemotherapy or radiotherapy and helps relieve the discomfort caused by cancer treatment. The patient only needs to wear an acupuncture wristband as needed. The plastic stud in the hand strap exerts pressure on the P6 point on the wrist to relieve nausea and vomiting. The acupuncture wristband can be used alone or in conjunction with anti-vomiting drugs, without any side effects.
How to use:
Place the three middle fingers on the inside of the wrist and the edge of the ring finger on the crease of the wrist. The point is located under the index finger between the two central tendons. Place the white button down and on the inner wide acupuncture point. Repeat the same process on the other wrist. To be effective, an acupuncture wristband must be worn on both hands at the same time.
- Drug-free & no side effect
- 72 hours long effect
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